Sunday, July 21, 2013

2 New Ways to Treat Psoriasis Symptoms

Obesity is linked to a whole host of health problems, but as its heavy cost on our society becomes apparent, we could see more emphasis placed on healthy living. To that end, a new study links a reduction in body mass to an improvement in psoriasis -- what looks like dry, red itchy skin but is in fact autoimmune condition.

In this video, health-care analyst David Williamson discusses the findings of this study along with a new potential drug aiming to treat psoriasis suffers with arthritis, a common condition that could add another blockbuster product to this biotech stocks portfolio.

Rising health-care costs continue to be a hotly debated topic, and even legendary investor Warren Buffett called this trend "the tapeworm that's eating at American competitiveness." To learn more about what's happening to the health care system -- and how to potentially profit from this trend -- click here for free, immediate access.

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