Thursday, March 20, 2014

Getting Out of Debt Advice From Around the Web

If you're struggling financially, your debt might be part of the problem. I recently interviewed Jeff Rose, creator of the Good Financial Cents blog, about the reasons why people find themselves broke. He said that many of his financial-planning clients who were struggling when they first came to him didn't have a clue how much they owed, much less have a plan to pay off their debts. As a result, they weren't getting ahead financially.

SEE ALSO: 10 Reasons You'll Never Be Rich

If debt is weighing you down, here's advice from some of our favorite personal finance bloggers to help you tackle it. And check out 10 Reasons You're Still Broke for more ways to get out of a financial rut.

A Way to Look at Credit Card Debt That Should Scare You in to Beating It [20Somethingfinance]
"Every dollar you spend or allocate to ANYTHING other than paying off your credit card debt comes with a personal 16% annual tax penalty. And each year after, you get taxed another 16%."

Is Borrowing Money a Form of Addiction? [Five Cent Nickel]
"While the phrase 'addicted to debt' is often used broadly to describe the economy's dependence on borrowing, I've come to think addiction might be the most accurate way to describe the relationship between some people and borrowing. It is an unhealthy habit that people often can't shake until it steadily ruins them."

What Happens If Your Debt Goes to Collections? [ReadyForZero]
"Unfortunately, ignoring the bill isn't going to help you. In fact, it's one of the worst things you can do. It's time to face the music."

3 Ways Debt Collectors Are Using Social Media to Get to You [Block Talk]
"In a high-tech twist on lowball tactics, debt collectors now use social media to get at their targets -- and there are actual cases of collectors posting humiliating screeds on Facebook or messaging someone's friends and contacts as a way of applying the pressure."

Depressed About Debt? Expert Advice on How to Overcome Financial Anxiety (And Get Rid of Your Debt) [Money Under 30]
"Carrying debt leads to a lot more than just a low credit score."

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